Governor Matawalle woos Chinese investors

Governor Bello Mohammad (Matawallen Maradun) has wooed Chinese investors with mouth watering incentives to invest in the solid minerals sector of the state for a win-win partnership.

He gave the open beckon when he addressed business moguls in that Country at the China Congress on Mineral Resources And Material Whole Industry Chain summit held in Beijing today.

Governor Bello Mohammed told the prospective investors of the special opportunities awaiting them in the solid mineral sector of the state, pointing out that 50% of the 34 minerals listed on Nigerian soil are found in Zamfara State.

The Governor revealed to them such minerals found in Zamfara as gold, zinc, columbine, silver, gypsum, limestone, copper, tantalite and barite among others. All these minerals, he said, have mining fields scattered across the state without sophistication and the technological standard to give maximum benefit.

The Governor lamented, for instance, that in the last 100 years, the gold mined in the state did not exceed 91,000kg

“I am therefore delighted to invite the Chinese business community to take the advantage of our friendly business environment, and limitless potentials in mineral resources, to deploy your capital and modern machinery to Zamfara State for investing into our mining sector. My administration is resolutely committed to partnering with investors from the Peoples’ Republic of China to develop the key sector of our economy”, Governor Matawalle proposed.

The Governor then revealed to the prospective investors the excellent provision of protection laws by the Nigerian state and added that his administration will provide added incentives to the investors if they decided to invest in the state.

Governor Matawalle will continue with his interaction with the business community in Beijing tomorrow.

Zailani Bappa

Special Adviser, Public Enlightenment, Media and Communications


Published by jekadiyarzamfara

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