Governor Matawalle urged Islamic scholars to remind Muslims to emulate the virtues of Prophet Muhammad SAW

His Excellency, Zamfara State Executive Governor Hon Dr. Bello Mohammed MON (Matawallen Maradun) has called on the Islamic Scholars in the country to continue to teach Muslim faithful on how to emulate the life of the noble Prophet Muhammad SAW and practice what he taught.

The Governor made the call today when he attended the Maulud celebration of Six Zawwiya schools in the the State capital, Gusau.

Matawalle said Islamic scholars have the responsibility of teaching Muslim faithful in the country the noble life of Prophet Muhammad SAW to emulate and practice to free the society from all forms of crimes.

He said that the Noble Prophet Muhammad taught love, unity and honesty in his lifetime which are basics in attaining sustainable peace in the society.

He maintained that if people were taught to emulate and practice the live of Prophet Muhammad SAW, the entire society would be better.

He promised to improve in the Protection of lives and properties of the citizens in the state assuring the this will remain the watch words of his administration.

He further said that, the peace being enjoyed now by all is the result of the prayers offered by the State Ummah for Almighty Allah’s intervention on the insecurity that faced the State which God answered by bringing him in to power among others through His divine intervention.

The Governor also solicited for more prayers during the Maulud gatherings for the sustenance of the peace in the state describing Maulud as mainly celebrated to praise Almighty Allah, recite the glorious Qur’an and listen to preachings through the nights of the Maulud celebration.

He reminded the people that Security is the responsibility of all well meaning citizens and every person has a role to play in maintaining peace.

He stated that his administration will continue to do its best to maintain the relative peace so far achieved and also address other challenges.

Matawalle, promised his government’s continued support and cooperation to all activities that will promote the teaching of the Noble Prophet and his love in the State with respect to all Islamic institutions and leaders in the state.

During the Maulud, he visited six Zawiyya centers which consist, Zawiyyar Sheikh Balarabe, Zawiyyar Sheikh Aliyu Maikanti and Zawiyyar Sheikh Aliyu Dango.

Others are Zawiyyar Sheikh Salisu Lungun Malamai, Zawiyyar Sheikh Jibrin Maihikima Unguwar Toka and Zawiyyar Sheikh Lawali Jibia.

In their separate speeches, on behalf of the different Zawiyyas, Sheikh Dr Atiku Balarabe, Khalifa Surumbai Aliyu Maikanti, Khalifa Mallam Amadu Sheikh Aliyu Dango, Khalifa Mallam Aminu Sheikh Salisu Lungun Malamai, Khalifa Mallam Salisu Maihikima and Khalifa Mallam Mustapha Sheikh Lawali Jibia commended the Governor for the measure he has taken in tackling the Security situation of the State and promised to continue to offer special prayers for the peace accord to succeed.

The Governor was accompanied by the former Deputy Governor, Mallam Ibrahim Wakkala Muhammad, former Speaker, Honourable Bature Umar Sambo, State PDP Chairman, Alhaji Ibrahim Mallaha Gusau and Alhaji Isah Maigemu among others.

Director General Press Affairs office of the Executive Governor,
Government House, Gusau

Published by jekadiyarzamfara

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